Manage your own journey.
Sell your business on your own terms.

Your business advertised on the following platforms

Your business will be advertised on the following platforms for 12 months.

Professionally written listing advert
How you present your business in the listing advert makes a difference. Adverts that are too short, or unprofessional in terms of the content and grammar, reduce engagement rates and drive people to keep looking. For this reason, we help you by professionally copywriting your business for sale advert, ensuring that your listing advert appears professional and inviting.

Professionally written and designed Executive Summary
The Executive Summary acts to inform prospective buyers about the particulars of your business. It is intended to give them enough information to make a decision on whether this is an opportunity they wish to continue pursuing. Included in your package is the professional production of this important document, including copywriting and design. The reality is that people do judge a book by its cover, which is why it is so important to present to the market a wellthought out, visually appealing Executive Summary.

Professionally produced 30 second video
Did you know that video content is now the dominant form of digital engagement? For this reason, and to further strengthen the market appeal of your business for sale, we will produce a 30 second video to accompany the text based online listing. This video will be hosted on the Upside YouTube account, and will be available for you to send to your network as needed.
"The Upside Package"
$5,000 inc. GST
Business listing on the Upside website
Advertising on 5 websites for 12 Months
Professional copy-written Advertisement
Professionally produced Executive Summary
30 second video
Advertising to the Upside + Benchmark Business database
Sell your business on your own terms
Additional Extras
Would you like some additional support?
We can offer you additional services such as;
Contract preparation
Broker support and consultations
Information Memorandum production
Advanced Video Production & Aerial Photography
Press Advertising

Upside business sales is a self-service, business for sale by owner business listing directory and business for sale service.
You advert will be featured on,,,,,
It depends. For small value, straight forward transactional sales, you can do this on your own! However, if you want to sell a more complex business, or perhaps just want to ensure you are getting the highest value possible for your business, then it is strongly advised that as a minimum you consult with a business broker at least three times during the sale process: the beginning, during any negotiations, and at the end, to ensure the process is correctly finalised.
Unless you have legal experience with contracts, it is strongly advised that your contract is prepared by a solicitor or approved professional.
Your business will be advertised for as long as 12 months.
Nope! You can however opt in to take up extra services from Upside, including 1:1 consultation with a professional business broker, negotiation services and contract preparation services.