Digital technology in business – some working examples of what others have done
I often get people asking me questions around how to utilise digital technology within their business. While it's always best to provide advice after reviewing each business on it's own, I find the best way to guide business owners on the topic of digital technology is by providing some examples of what has worked in other businesses and industries. So, here are a handful of real life examples where we successfully merged digital solutions with a pre-existing, offline business, sometimes in industries where you may not have even thought anything was possible! The Dry Cleaner: As a very successful dry cleaning agency, our client wanted to explore the possibility of incorporating e-commerce within their business. After many discussions we developed an online business model for their Wedding Dress dry cleaning and preservation service, rolling out www.theweddingdressspecialists.com.au as a specialist brand specialising in a niche service offering. We have used digital technology in the form of an e-commerce website, CRM and email marketing tool, to handle the front end transaction processing and back end order management. As a result we have enabled our client to grow from a local, Brisbane only dry cleaner to one that can service customers anywhere in Australia. Dry cleaning and e-commerce: who would have thought? The Rural Motel: Located in rural Australia, this motel is owned by a middle aged couple who are typical of the many other business owners in Australia: they knew they had to 'get online' but were stuck with the question of 'how to get online?'. Our sister brand, Accommodation Website Solutions, was engaged to assist with their digital transformation. After a few months of work we transformed their accommodation facility from one that was completely offline, to one that has now become 'connected' and 'global'. Their new (and first ever) website features an accommodation booking engine; they now have no need to scribble bookings on pieces of paper as their new property management system handles it all; they now have a presence on several international booking websites, and we connected their systems so they talk collectively to each other. Now they are gearing up for a digital marketing campaign which I am sure will deliver terrific results over the coming months. The Trades Company: Wanting to break from the mould and become a business for the 21st century, this long established home repairs company has decided to embrace digital technology in some really innovative ways. Without giving away too many of their secrets, I can tell you that this business, which primarily employs tradies and sales reps (including door to door sales people), has rolled out a new system which uses Ipads for sales, a smart website with a private section for company employees, email marketing to build customer relationships and manage bookings, and are now looking at using drones as part of an effort to not only provide a service unique in their industry, but to reduce workplace injuries by eliminating the need for their tradies to undertake certain activities which to date have involved some element of risk. Oh, and I should add: the owners are far from computer savvy, but have been willing to learn and explore new technology. The above three examples provide an insight into what is possible and what others have done in order to bring technology into their business. Not only has technology helped the above businesses expand, grow and in some cases generate efficiencies, but they have also enabled the businesses to evolve into a modern digital business. This is important, for when the time comes to sell their business, these modern, tech savvy businesses will be the ones that stand out from the crowd and will get the most attention from buyers! Interested in knowing more about digital solutions for business? Give me a call, drop me an email, I am always happy to help. Interested in selling your business? Talk to Benchmark Business Sales & Valuations today – we have the right knowledge and the right team to help you achieve sales success! Written by Peter Spinda, CEO, Digital Duet – peter@digitalduet.com.au Peter is the founder of Digital Duet and Accommodation Website Solutions, a Brisbane based company specialising in the design and development of business websites, marketing strategies and online business models. Visit Digital Duet today.