This year the Australian Institute of Business Brokers (AIBB) held a National Conference for professional business brokers involved in the facilitation of transfer of business ownership from one party to another. The conference is designed to provide support services to brokers, strengthen their network team, and train them with the most “up to date” professional development skills in business broking, to ensure they are providing the best possible services to both buyers and sellers of small/medium businesses. The conference included guest speakers (professional experts in their field) Dr John Hewson, Patrick McMichael, Phil Chapman (Australia’s leading retail shop lease advocates), Catherine DeVrye (best-selling author of eight books and past winner of the Australian Executive Woman of the Year Award) and our very own South Australian Benchmark broker Brian Sander (one of Australia's most experienced business brokers). Benchmark has had an impressive result at the 2015 AIBB National Conference in Cairns this year, with two Benchmark brokers nominated for Senior Business Broker Of The Year and one nominated for Rookie Business Broker Of The Year. Brian Sander won the National Chair Persons Award for services to the AIBB and business broker Yiling Tang was awarded the SA State Chair Award! Nominees for awards were Ian Salter, Lincoln Bridge and John Kasapi. All in all a fantastic result for Benchmark.